Mon 9 August 2010
Anne Poppins |
Michael and friend Mary P |
Our parcel did not arrive so we toddled off to Maryborough on the bus for a day out and a cultural visit to Mary Poppins land. The birthplace of Pamela Travers MP' creator.
('Chim chimeny, chim chim, cheroo' , 'supercalifragilisticexpialodocious' and all that stuff).
Mary River Marina |
Maryborough is 19nm up the Mary River and the tides are considerable hence dinghying ashore needs a long painter from the public landing jetty. The shore at low tide was a lovely looking gooey mud which was probably good for skin mud packs but a bit on the messy side for walking through. Anchoring in this stuff would give great holding but cleaning the anchor and chain on retrieval would be a wonderful time!!!
Gooey sticky mud |
The local cafe name at the marina says it all 'Muddy Waters Cafe'. The marina has only a limited amount of space, which is taken up by locals, hence anchoring for visiting yachts is almost mandatory. The chandlery at the marina is reasonably well stocked unlike the one at Hervey Bay.
Maryborough is the original port city for the area and has a number of historic old buildings plus more than a few pubs that are now closed or used for alternative purposes. one was even given over to the Australian Electoral Commission as a polling booth so we took the opportunity to vote absentee (how does the saying go?
'vote early and vote often'). Not that 2 upstanding citizens such as ouselves would ever contemplate such a thing. Our duty to the pollies has been done, so we will not have to scrabble around for a polling station on election day.
Anne with some wooden friends |
Maryborough is a good excursion by bus from Hervey Bay and it can even be cutural although we just had a wander and found a good lolly shop.
This is our first day without sunshine for a couple of weeks. Life is just too tough!!
Admiral Michael |
Hi Anne and Mike - am enjoying the continuing saga, and you also seem to be having a ball, despite your one day of cabin fever. No such luck here - blowing 30-40kt nor-westerlies the last couple of days, and cold as well. Indigo has no mast at the minute as we are getting it painted and new rigging etc. We also should be on the slip, but it is broken, so next week hopefully. Cheers Ken and Libby.