04 August, 2010

Inskip Pt to Garry’s Anchorage and beyond.

Wed 28 July 2010

 The wind was blowing at 20+kts from the East which made the Inskip pt anchorage a tad breezy. It was a choice of either Tin Can Bay or Garry's Anchorage. After considering the tides we upped anchor at 0850 and headed for Garry's on the Eastern side of Fraser Island 14nm away.

As we motored out of the anchorage, the last boat floating, except for a large trawler who was obviously sheltering from the outside waters weather, we decided not to check out the Wide Bay Bar, which we are sure would have been interesting, but headed North.

As we entered the channel in Wide Bay Harbour the genoa was unfurled and we were soon zooming along at

7.7kts as the flooding tide carried us North. By the time we reached the anchorage the tide had started to change and we were down to 4.5kts. At 1100 we anchored 30m from shore lifted Muhu into the water and went ashore for a walk. Anti-biting stuff for the sand flies and mossies is a must. Hatch screens would be useful too (must get some soon).

 We met Megan & Bruce from Winkali ashore, catching up for a quick chat and then wandered off in search of a coffee shop(its only a 30km walk to Kingfisher Bay Resort) in which case a coffee and defibrillator may be in order. Perhaps another day for the coffee.

The signs on the shore say to be wary of the saltwater crocks and the dingoes. We a saw a lone dingo scavenging on the shore but no crocks (its the ones you do not see that get you!!!!). The water did not look all that inviting for a swim anyway, sorry crocks! To end the day what initially looked like a great sunset turned into a bit of a fizzer with only a bit of godliness rays about it (ie beams of light from the 'heavens'). Dinner was an exquisite concoction of smoked turkey, which tasted more like ham steaks, and pineapple rings left over from Pittwater. So Tropical Iron Chefs, let it be known that new contenders have entered the ring!!!

Thurs 29 July
 After a dead calm night the anchorage emptied leaving only Winkali & Saaremaa until we were joined by a cat called Rock On, so we did having drinks onshore for the spectacular sunset with the mossies and sandflies. It was then back on board with mossie coils and citronella lamp alight to ward off the evil critters. Earlier in the day we were feeling strong enough to restle Brutus our 5HP and 27kg outboard onto Muhu (next time it is definitely the 10kg Yamaha). What were you thinking Michael???? It was time to see if the motor would start and hey presto on 2nd pull it roared into life so we zoomed off up and down the creek with nowhere much to go. Our first BBQ on board of lamb and chips was followed by a big snozzzzzzz for the night.

Frid 30 July
 Awaking to another lovely day, Michael in his wisdom decides the tides are right for the trip up to Kingfisher Bay.
Wrong!!! We were about an hour late leaving and hit the ebb tide which slowed us to 3kts so it was decided to turn back to Garry's. Oh well at the batteries got a good charge.
Note the artistic work of the crabs with their sand ball creations on the beach.

Sat 31 July
Another go  at the trip north to Kingfisher saw us hit the flood tide from the north but this time we did not chicken out and plodded our way up across the shallows of Sheridan Flats which were 5m deep. We had the tide against us nearly all the way to Kingfisher Bay (so much for trying to use Brisbane tide data up here, it doesn't work very well!!!) Must buy the correct tide tables!

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