28 August, 2010

Great Keppel Island - Leekes Beach

Fri 27-Sat 28 August 2010

Kerry from Tangara visits
Our whinging must have worked and the weather people gave us some great weather again, sunny and calm.
Saaremaa was feeling a lot better too after all that fresh water washing the decks. With the better weather there was a bit more movement of boaters in the anchorage.

Kerry from 'Tangara' a Duncanson 37 came over to see what the flagshow was all about on Saaremaa and another veesel passing asked "Whose birthday is it?"

Flags Ahoy
Since this is our furthest point north for the trip Saaremaa was dressed with flags for the occasion.
The fore flags are from the top: Australian Red Ensign, Union Jack, Polish National Flag, Estonian National Flag, Jolly Roger, Boxing Kangaroo and The Eureka Flag.
The Union Jack is for Michael's Pommy heritage whilst the Polish and Estonian flags are for Anne's parents nationalities.

Aft signal flags are Starboard TOJKEBDHAQTOJKE, Port TOJKEBDHAQBDHAQ, so no message as such, just a pretty flag string.

Up the creek with paddles

After our flag fun and coffee we took a trip up the creek and there we were with a paddle (each actually). The crabbing and fishing is said to be good but we were not to find this out since we are not expert at either.

A few eerie mangrove roots and the odd ray plus our old 'friends' the sand flies inhabit this creek. Plus we also ran into Kerry from Tangara.

Kerry from Tangara
Eerie roots of mangroves

Leekes Creek entrance

Stranger on the shore. (there could be a song in that!)


A trip by Muhu & Brutus to middle Island gave us a walk on the beach and Michael a chance to play 'Keppel Golf'' with a palm frond and coconut. No sharks or tigers allowed.

Flow through.
Only 5 boats anchored overnight, it must be Michael's cockpit crematorium driving them away, (pork chops this time, a pity we have run out of spuds).

Follow through!
After another moviefest of 'Mama Mia' followed by 'Yes Minister' we were ready for bed and a good snozz.

We woke to another idyllic day (thank you weather people again) so trotted off to the top of the island to a snorkelling spot.

The wind was making it a bit cool so we hung around for a time untill it eased off and after the local charter cat had left with their daytrippers. Jacqueline Anne and Jacque Michael Cousteau donned their gear and proceeded to scare the fish.

Another top day is finished with a lovely sunset.

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