21 March, 2011

CDLMYC St Patrick's Outing Return from Newcastle.

Back to Lake Macquarie
Sunday 20 March 2011

After a very stormy night which failed to interrupt our sleep the sky looked a bit daunting but we headed off at 0840 for Swansea and home to the lake. There were no dolphins to guide our path and once more it was a motor sail the whole way, cest la vie.
Petrouchka hangs off.

Life got a bit lumpy turning into the swell out of Newcastle Harbour but it soon settled down and we were motoring along again (not enough wind) alongside Indigo and hot in pursuit of the speedsters Leanne and Derek aboard Calysta. All to no avail they crossed Swansea Bar way ahead of the fleet and awaited the 1200 bridge opening while others caught up.
Stoked  and The Wizard avoid a bow kiss.

The orderly mob proceed

what a lovely procession!!

It was a fair gathering at the bridge with Belami B, Calysta, Indigo, Isis, Pete's Dragon, Petrouchka, Saaremaa, Stoked, Sundowner and The Wizard all floating around plus 2 ring ins She's Apples II and Rock the Boat. It seemed a bit busy but with true gentlefolkly conduct all boats proceeded in an orderly fashion through 'The Gates of Safety' (aka the 'Jaws of Death' if you get squidged by them, not recommended!!!)
Welcome home Saaremaa!!

Come on Indigo back into the fold!

A quick float down the channel to the lake proper with the ingoing tide saw us met by the mother ship also known as The Wizard with Beth and Ray waving bye for now.
Lake Macquarie, no tide, no swell and a large waterway to explore and sail, wonderful, lets keep it a secret.
Floating down the channel.

The sky looks a bit ominous but its still a lovely float.

Not far now to the dropover and deep water.

Back to the mooring to tidy up and home for a sleep. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz!!
Stoked to be home, almost.

The Wizard awaits. (Thanks' mum and dad').

That's it until next time!!

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