21 March, 2011

CDLMYC St Patrick's Outing Return from Newcastle.

Back to Lake Macquarie
Sunday 20 March 2011

After a very stormy night which failed to interrupt our sleep the sky looked a bit daunting but we headed off at 0840 for Swansea and home to the lake. There were no dolphins to guide our path and once more it was a motor sail the whole way, cest la vie.
Petrouchka hangs off.

Life got a bit lumpy turning into the swell out of Newcastle Harbour but it soon settled down and we were motoring along again (not enough wind) alongside Indigo and hot in pursuit of the speedsters Leanne and Derek aboard Calysta. All to no avail they crossed Swansea Bar way ahead of the fleet and awaited the 1200 bridge opening while others caught up.
Stoked  and The Wizard avoid a bow kiss.

The orderly mob proceed

what a lovely procession!!

It was a fair gathering at the bridge with Belami B, Calysta, Indigo, Isis, Pete's Dragon, Petrouchka, Saaremaa, Stoked, Sundowner and The Wizard all floating around plus 2 ring ins She's Apples II and Rock the Boat. It seemed a bit busy but with true gentlefolkly conduct all boats proceeded in an orderly fashion through 'The Gates of Safety' (aka the 'Jaws of Death' if you get squidged by them, not recommended!!!)
Welcome home Saaremaa!!

Come on Indigo back into the fold!

A quick float down the channel to the lake proper with the ingoing tide saw us met by the mother ship also known as The Wizard with Beth and Ray waving bye for now.
Lake Macquarie, no tide, no swell and a large waterway to explore and sail, wonderful, lets keep it a secret.
Floating down the channel.

The sky looks a bit ominous but its still a lovely float.

Not far now to the dropover and deep water.

Back to the mooring to tidy up and home for a sleep. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz!!
Stoked to be home, almost.

The Wizard awaits. (Thanks' mum and dad').

That's it until next time!!

CD LMYC St Patrick's Newcastle Cruise March 2011

Up to Newcastle (with a little bit of blarney)
Sat 19March

After a night on the LMYC jetty and being woken by the pounding of the boat against the dock when a strong SW wind came in at 0100 hrs we moved to Saarema's preferred spot near the BBQ on the southern side for a bit of peace and quiet.
Calysta leads the charge through the 'Jaws of Freedom'
 We left the dock at 0900 to give plenty of time for a 1000 bridge opening after Michael's brilliant work of 2 weeks previous where we had to motor at the full 3600 rpm to make through the bridge.
The kindly bridge operator of the day opened up a little late and allowed us to pass through. Thank you bridge man. No problems this time as Saaremaa, Calysta, Indigo, Isis, Belami B and Pete's Dragon passed though the Lake Gate (The Jaws to Freedom).
Indigo escaping to freedom.

Chomping along up the channel and over the lovely flat bar we rock and roll our way under motor sail to Newcastle.
Isis follows Belami B out and over the bar.
Out on the ocean that looks pretty flat.

Isis chomping along past the dodgy bit.
 Dolphins came to play around each boat to escort us on our way. These were black on top and tan on the lower sides. Hmmm the 'Black and Tans' not a mob noted for their hospitality. Fortunately these were Aussie dolphins who were just out for a good time.
Not the best shot but spot the dolphin anyway.

A quick trip up to Newcastle had us logging off at 1230 and tying at Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club by 1300 hrs. NCYC generously provided free overnight berthing to us and we thank them for their generosity.
Pete's Dragon and Indigo enter Newcastle harbour.
Sundowner arrives ably assisted by Derek Calysta.
Petrouchka makes it too ably assisted by Derek Calysata and Ken Indigo.

After tying up it was time for what the CD mob do best 'nibblies' and drinks. Extreme competition existed between Stoked and Sundowner for best 'nibbly' venue. Saaremaa was not a contender for this title.

Linda flashing her tatts, bejabers and begorra!!

Incognito Libby sporting an extreme Irish look.

Dinner at NCYC proved to be a filling affair after an afternoon of nibbly stuffing but as usual the meals were excellent.
The feasting begins and continues below.

Who is this bad lad??? Bill surely not!!!.