19 February, 2011

Cruising Division LMYC, Pittwater VIIIa

Wed 16 Feb 2011 'Afternoon Shift'

A Trim Sail and Presentation Nibblies on the Shore at Towlers
Lots of heads, hats and backs of the CD crew abound.

After recovering from dinghy wars, without the aid of a defibrillator (is that correct Docs?) or heart starter for the rest of us, the afternoon promised a cat sail.
"Do you know my mate Pete?" took the CD cruisers aboard his 40ft cat Trim for an afternoon sail.

As can be seen from the photo Trim is fairly roomy on deck and zips along nicely in 10 - 15 kts of breeze.

Thanks to Pete for a great afternoon sail from all the CD cruisers.

"Has anyone met my mate Ray?" I must introduce you sometime.

Presentation Nibblies
Maureen Presents and Fred does the honours.

Maureen and Fred Stoked gathered the swashbucklers on shore at Towlers Bay for our last nibbly time and cruise presentations. Every child wins a prize in this event, Saaremaa surviving without incident this year, Catatonic received the 'kindness award' for sailing services to young backpackers, The Wizard pirate outfits also received an award whose name escapes me plus many other awards too numerous to mention.
 Ray and Helen receive The Wanda Hitchcock Trophy from Fred.

The 'Wanda Hitchcock Trophy' for continuing to cruise in less than ideal circumstances was awarded to long term Pittwater Cruise participants Helen and Ray from Dreamcatcher. Ray was even wore his cruise T-shirt from 2000 on a few occasions. Very worthy recipients indeed.
Pete the Pirates Poet in full flight.

After presentation Pete from Pete's Dragon gave a pirates rendition of the cruise in what we believe to be 'Pirate Verse'. A rhymer to be sure with his Purple and Myrtle.
A NOT unruly mob

Ray and Helen with trophy.

Another full day is over.

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