23 September, 2010

Lake Macquarie Yacht Club to Croudace Bay Mooring (Final leg of the voyage)

Wed 22 Sept 2010

Up late at 0730, a luxurious  lay in on the expansive V- berth and Mick skipper slept like a log snoring for Australia no doubt, (sorry Belmont residents). Annie crew jumped ship at LMYC to head for home and a comfy sleep but missing the joys of on board life (the sounds, creaks and rocking) was not able to fully attain this desire, (we may have to install a home boating simulator system).

Saaremaa at LMYC all spick and span with 'Mukluk' behind
It was a lovely sunny and calm day and Saaremaa was washed to remove the salt spray from the ocean and cleaned inside. Water from our normally dusty bilge was sponged out and and the bilge dried. The water must be from all the wet stuff coming over the anchor winch and entering through the hausepipe, (sealing with a plastic beg obviously was not effective enough so next time plasticine will be employed as a seal, this hint is from Kerrie & Martin of 'Jannali').
Croudace Bay Saaremaa's Home

Most of the extraneous cruising gear was taken home especially Brutus motor, the fridge emptied, clothes removed and then Saaremaa headed for the mooring in Croudace Bay at 1500. Motoring along with no swell or waves was like being back on a duck pond (and very nice too), the gearbox that seemed to be on the blink was OK and working well. As the bay came in sight Saaremaa's 'bed' (no not the seabed or lake bed) awaited. The mooring was relatively clean after a 3 month absence (a mooring fairy must have cleaned it) and by 1600 all was secure. The anti seagull nets were broken out and Saaremaa was left tucked up in bed (well almost) for a long earned snoooooozzzzzzzzzzz!!


  1. Mike & Anne,
    Congratulations on an outstanding achievement! You have proved that you and Saaremaa have what it takes to be true sailors.
    Welcome home!
    Tony & Cath
    'Double Fun'

  2. Wow such an amazing story of travel - and some nice shots ofLake Macquarie too!
